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logo montagnes carouxAre you looking for a playground for your walking holidays? no problem ! the hiking trails are numerous on the foothills, the massif of Caroux, towards the Saut de Vesoles, in the Gorges of Héric and the Gorges de Colombières ... Remarkable landscapes that you can travel in any season. Many secondary tracks with a strong character "mountain" that you can discover on the guide Randonnée du Caroux.
Are you two more wheels? it's perfect ! the Green Way Passa Païs offers you no less than 80 Km between Bédarieux and Mazamet. The VTT base, labelllisée FFC is at the heart of a network of about fifteen marked circuits. Also try an unusual 2-wheel activity: the scooter downhill, big thrill guaranteed!
Sports enthusiasts of aquatic sensations, opt for canyons, the Caroux contains playful torrents.
Climbing, speleology and Via-ferrata will complement your menu if you are still hungry for adventure.
Lovers of whitewater, canoeing and kayaking will also find themselves in the rapids of the Orb for descents from 5 to 18 kilometers ..

appliThe hiking and touring app is available now. To be downloaded only on Goole play. Hiking, cycling, mountain biking, audio-guide. (For the moment, the app is available in French only.)
google play app

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Le pôle de pleine nature "Montagnes du Caroux, simplement sauvage"

Thanks to this diversity of activities and preserved landscapes emblematic of the South Massif Central, the territory "Caroux Mountains" was recognized as pole of full nature at the end of 2016 for the GIP (Group of Public Interest) Massif Central! As are also the massif of Aigoual, Mont Lozère or the Monts du Forez ...

A "title" which is a recognition of the dynamic that has set in 2015 and 2016, bringing together both private and public actors *, to develop a nomination file containing some thirty actions for the development, qualification and the promotion of outdoor sports, which will take place between 2017 and 2021, supported by ERDF funds.

Some examples of actions planned for the development of Nature Sports
One of the two objectives pursued by the Pole de plein nature is to "live well" on the territory by ensuring the development of local practice, for all, in an eco-responsible spirit.
To do so, it is planned, in particular, the opening of a section Sport Nature Bédarieux High School, a "multiactivities school" for young people of the territory, the creation of a pole disability (Lamalou-les-Bains) and the setting up of an "environmental support committee" for the different sports practices

The second objective is related to the economic development of Nature Sports by having a marketing plan under the banner "Caroux Mountains" and by improving the reception and services for nature sports practitioners ("base camp" dedicated to APN, a technical adviser, relay information throughout the territory, online services to prepare your trips, etc ...) ... and their companions!

* The application, carried by the Pays Haut Languedoc and Vineyards, was developed in close partnership with the communities of communes Orb-Jaur, Grand Orb and Saint Ponais, the regional park of Haut Languedoc, the tourist offices, the departmental council , Hérault Tourism, Hérault Sport and about thirty local professionals of outdoor sports.






Only partners of the tourist office are listed on the site. A full list is available on request. Prices and descriptions are given for information only, based on information provided by service providers

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